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Tops, blouses – online shop Rīga, Latvija

Tops, blouses - online shop Rīga, Latvija

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Regardless of whether you prefer casual blouses and tops under jeans or elegant, transparent blouses with bows and voluminous sleeves, you will find the clothes that suit you best in our online shop.

Trendy blouses and tops for the sporty or refined woman can be purchased from our online shop, which guarantees quality at an affordable price!

Choose from feminine or more classic styles to versatile your look: whether it’s fashionable bow-tie blouses, romantic lace blouses or sporty plaid blouses, every woman has her favourite style that suits her silhouette.

Try something new to portray all sides of your personality! Our trendy blouses for women will enrich your wardrobe and create extraordinary, elegant looks for everyday life and special moments.

Explore our range and take advantage of our fantastic prices!

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Blouses and tops in our online shop” icon=”” icon_color=”” hue=”” saturation=”” lightness=”” alpha=”” icon_active_color=””]

Elegant or casual, a blouse is an irreplaceable item of clothing in a woman’s wardrobe.

Charm is beyond age and their design is so versatile that they can accompany you at any time of day. We are talking about blouses, one of the most fashionable things, a must-have in your wardrobe. The advantages of blouses include the versatility with which you can use them to create new combinations, both casual and elegant. Choose the model that best suits your taste, or choose from a variety of blouses so your ideas never run out.

The 21st century is when the blouse achieved the look we know today, when the major names in global fashion have made it a true symbol of feminine strength, able to convey both sensuality and confidence.

Today you can choose from a variety of blouse options, each designed to add an extra touch of style and allow you to vary between classic models and original cuts. The blouses and tops in our online shop are made from the highest quality materials. They will stand the test of time and allow you to wear your favourite piece for as long as possible. The brands presented in our catalogue also offer you the right mix of the latest fashions and timeless options, so that you do not have to worry every time you need to update your wardrobe.

Among the variety of blouses, we can also highlight the unusual ones, providing ample opportunity for creativity.

The simple silhouette of a blouse is amenable to reinterpretation in the most original forms, without losing its identity. Original women’s blouses are just what you need to stand out from the crowd and keep up with the times wherever you go. So get ready for the most extravagant combinations or just add a touch of eclecticism to your most thoughtful and tried and tested outfits.

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Different types of blouses and tops” icon=”” icon_color=”” hue=”” saturation=”” lightness=”” alpha=”” icon_active_color=””]

Cotton, satin or flannel blouses and tops, silk blouses, coloured or patterned: there are so many options that can be worn all year round for a multitude of occasions. Check out the new collections in our online shop. Jeans and a blouse or top is an outfit you’re pretty sure you’ve worn, but you can venture a little bolder: tuck them into a skirt with ankle boots to give your look a bit of momentum. Cotton blouses for the office are ideal with a blazer or trousers and elegant blouses that are white or printed, embroidered with lace, see-through, with bows or frou-frou for a romantic look.

The trendiest blouses right now are undoubtedly denim and silk: the former, in an urban style, can be worn with a skirt, shorts or printed trousers, or you can create a full denim look by carefully combining jeans in different colours. A silk blouse or top brings charm and class at once. They are feminine, soft and sophisticated, perfect with a pencil skirt or an elegant outfit, they can be used for festive occasions but also for a casual look over skinny jeans.

Among the blouses and tops that you can find in our catalogue, there are striped, checked, Korean-style, floral and long blouses, called tunics. The latter are lighter and can be worn with casual straight trousers or leggings. Comfortable, bright or more understated, they can be worn in summer and winter.

For a total look, you can create the image with, for instance, a blouse or top and a skirt made of shiny silk of the same vivid colour. A long skirt is perfect with rectangular sandals and mules in the same or a contrasting colour. If you prefer a blouse or top and trousers in the same material, choose a blouse with flared sleeves, matching the armhole of the flared trousers: a sparkling homage to the fabulous seventies.

Colour is also your best ally when you want to wear statement blouses and tops. Take inspiration from faraway lands by wearing a relaxed kaftan-like blouse, adorned with colourful paisley prints, suitable for lounging or a summer evening in the garden. You can create an eye-catching contrast with a pair of white palazzo trousers and complete the look with rope wedge sandals studded with coloured stones. Opt for a blouse with a tie-dye print or bright patterns if you want to make the look more stylish and relaxed. The perfect combination of these pieces is high-waisted denim shorts, particularly if the blouse is tied at the waist, and complement the outfit with a pair of platform trainers.

Classic blouse. A casual look.

The timeless charm of the classic blouse leaves no one untouched.

The classic blouse is synonymous with timeless style, perfect in any occasion. Although, the stiffness of the cut need not be too great, you can play up the classic blouse’s timelessness with striking accessories.

If you are looking for office wear inspiration, opt for a fitted blouse to be worn under a suit with three-quarter length trousers and a matching waistcoat. The best shoes to choose are moccasins, flat or with a square heel to accentuate your figure. To highlight your sensuality, you can also opt for a wide V-neck blouse, which looks best under a satin-lined smock jacket and over a pair of giddy-heeled shoes.

Furthermore, among the must-haves for women’s blouses is the denim version, which stands out for its durability and relevance. Wear it with regular-fit jeans for a country-inspired outfit or combine it with a flared skirt and ballet flats for a romantic look.

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Popular blouse styles” icon=”” icon_color=”” hue=”” saturation=”” lightness=”” alpha=”” icon_active_color=””]

    • V-neck blouse
    • Stand up collar blouse – apache
    • Classic blouse
    • Bardot blouse – corset blouse
    • Casual cut blouse – a blouson
    • Zipped blouse
    • Blouse with bow collar
    • Cowgirl blouse
    • Open back halter-neck tie blouse
    • Buttoned blouse
    • Body blouse
    • Military style blouse.

    Blouses are also available with straps, angelic, square, oval necklines, puffed or tight sleeves and other surprises.

    Accentuate your style with blouses and tops in different styles, colours and patterns.

    You will find blouses and tops perfect for all occasions: elegant or casual, plain or patterned – in our webstore you will find precisely what you dream of.


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