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Trousers, shorts – online shop Rīgā, Latvijā

Trousers, shorts - online shop Rīgā, Latvijā

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Nowadays trousers and short are widely preferred by both women and men precisely because of their convenience.

There are various styles of trousers/shorts made from a diversity of fabrics. Trousers can be practical, elegant, casual or sporty. Customers can purchase trousers in any fabric and style in our webshop.

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Classification of trousers by models” icon=”” icon_color=”” hue=”” saturation=”” lightness=”” alpha=”” icon_active_color=””]

Trousers and shorts can be of different length, from short, to mid-shin, below the knee, to mid-calf and so forth, each shape and length defines a particular type of trousers or shorts.

There are a great variety of textures, fabrics, styles and colours available in the market to create any image.

Men’s and women’s models are generally distinguished:

  • Classic variant
  • Casual/Practical
  • Sporty

Distinguished by style:

  • straight trousers without darts;
  • straight trousers with darts;
  • straight trousers with darts and lapels;
  • cigarette trousers;
  • flared trousers, slacks or bell-bottoms;
  • trousers with a garcon style;
  • odalisque trousers;
  • loose-fitting trousers, with a very relaxed fit;
  • oriental trousers; turks;
  • trousers with wide legs;
  • fisherman’s trousers;
  • tyrolean trousers;
  • breeches;
  • bermuda; shorts;
  • short shorts or briefs.
  • Regular/straight cut

Straight cut trousers. Also known as ‘cigarette’ pants, these are a less extreme version of skinny jeans as they are less tight around the ankles.

  • Bootcut trousers

Bootcut pants are slightly tapered at the knees and flared towards the bottom so that they are comfortable to wear with boots.

This cut emphasises feminine curves, slim legs and wide hips.

Don’t compromise with high heeled shoes, that will emphasize a slender leg!

If you choose Bootcut, you can also wear heavy shoes: booties, boots, sandals and, obviously, a nice belt, as these trousers usually have wide loops at the waist.

  • Slim fit “carrot” trousers

The “carrot” cut trousers have a peculiarity: they are rather wide at the hips and thighs. They have a very loose cut at the top, which falls on the legs.

Therefore, they are suitable for wide hips, unless, obviously, you combine them with a long shirt, which will shorten the figure.

This is why they look especially nice on ladies with wide hips and thighs, but with a slim waist and petite tummy. They can be worn with a short shirt or tucked into trousers, they slim the figure, masking the so-called “pear-shaped” shape of the body.

Wear them with high heels, sandals or stiletto heels. Wear them with a short jacket in masculine or college style and a short shirt.

The “carrot” trousers look very effective in combination with the high waistband.

  • Bell-bottom trousers

Narrow at the knees they resemble boots, but descend much wider, fully covering the leg and not showing the shoes.

This model will suit all types of silhouettes.

  • Flared trousers

They have flared trousers from the knee down. Their peculiarity is that, unlike bootcut trousers, they completely hide the shoes. Strong tailoring, a simple cotton t-shirt may be the best choice if you opt for this 70s model.

  • Cargo trousers

An oversized trouser with extra wide trouser legs. They are trousers with multiple pockets, frequently in technical fabric and with a military-inspired look. They usually have a drawstring waist and large side pockets.

They are also called ‘Marlene’.

Generally speaking, cargo trousers lengthen the leg and, if worn with high heels, slim the figure.

  • Boys’ jeans

Look like the kind of trousers a guy would wear. They’re a simple, slightly loose fit with wide legged trousers. They’re commonly described as a ‘loose fit’.

Tip: Wear them with high-heeled shoes or shoes to make your leg slimmer.

  • Underslung trousers

A very narrow around the buttocks and hips, with a slight flared leg. They have a waist that goes around the hips, not down to the navel.

Low-waisted trousers, naturally, do not look good on people with a tummy, and in any case it is better to buy them one size larger to avoid the effect of tightening the waist.

We recommend buying them in a bigger size if you want to look good in a low-waist style.

  • Chinos

These trousers are made of a chunky fabric. Men’s trousers with front darts and wide waist. They resemble “carrot trousers” in a way, except that these trousers run straight down the leg and often have pleats. Chinos are often slim-fit at the bottom. They can be worn with trainers and a T-shirt or with loafers and a shirt.

  • Mostly made of cotton fabric, they are designed for warmer periods of the year and do not match the sporty style.
  • Jeans – designed with a wide variety of cuts, fabrics and colours for all seasons.
  • Joggers are a sporty, fly-less version of trousers with a wide elastic band at the waist and at the bottom of the trouser leg, usually made of a lightweight, stretchy jersey.

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Reasons to choose our online shop” icon=”” icon_color=”” hue=”” saturation=”” lightness=”” alpha=”” icon_active_color=””]

All our trousers are made from quality fabrics available on the market nowadays.  Even if you are still in doubt about where to buy your trousers or model, feel free to visit our online shop and purchase good quality trousers at affordable prices.

Trousers and shorts in our shop are a sign of quality. Choosing to buy in our online shop is the prudent decision!

Our website offers a wide range of trousers and shorts, from homely or sporty trousers and shorts to elegant trousers for men and women. Whether you’re an outdoorsman, hiker, sports enthusiast, a sightseer, a walker or a celebratory person – you’ll find trousers and shorts for all occasions here.

Regardless of the season, we want each of our customers to feel at ease. That’s why we have summer trousers and shorts, as well as winter models, to make you feel comfortable, free and relaxed. You’ll feel comfortable playing active sports in our  sports shorts or trousers. The style of all products in our shop is both functional and well-considered in detail. For fans of bright colours, we have great options for stylish trousers and shorts. For those who love classics, we offer simple monochrome trousers or shorts in classic fabrics. Our webshop always provides discounted items.

You will be able to buy trousers and shorts for any figure and at an affordable price. Furthermore, you no longer have to worry about finding the size you need – we have all kinds of sizes available.

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”The right selection of trousers or shorts” icon=”” icon_color=”” hue=”” saturation=”” lightness=”” alpha=”” icon_active_color=””]

From our website, it’s easy to find the right size for all our trouser brands, so you can buy online without fear of returns!

To find the right size, you’ll need to measure your waist, hips and height.

When choosing the right model for you, it’s important to take into account the peculiarities and differences in men’s and women’s figures. The correct trouser fit emphasises the strengths and hides flaws in any figure.

The ideal length for classic trousers is when the toes are not visible when standing and the bottom edge of the trousers is mid-heel. In addition, there should be no unsightly or bulky creases in the front near the shoes and in the back, below buttock level.


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